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Contacting and Ordering

This business is owned by a Incorporated Indonesian Company, P.T. Indonesia Abadi Semesta. The company operates all the services, and is a travel business that specializes in arranging VIP airport meet & greet, security and driving services in Indonesia.

The Managing Director and owner of P.T. Indonesia Abadi Semesta is Mr. Erickson Karyadi.

You can E-mail him E Mail Eric  or use the address eric@airportjakarta.com. Eric will reply by return. Or you can fill in a contact form here and he will send you a quotation or answer your questions by E-mail.

The Jakarta office is open for bookings every day for 08:00am to 23:59pm Indonesia WIB time. For dispatch and operations it is online and contactable 24 hours a day. If a call is necessary then will we always call you back.